19 Sep

Your home's roof is your first line of defense against the elements, and it's during extreme weather conditions that its importance becomes most evident. Whether it's a sudden storm, heavy rainfall, or high winds, a damaged roof can quickly lead to water leaks, structural issues, and costly repairs. In this blog, we'll discuss the essential steps for emergency roof repair, helping you safeguard your home and minimize potential damage when disaster strikes.

Safety First

Before attempting any emergency roof repair, prioritize safety. If the weather conditions are severe or if you're uncomfortable with the situation, it's best to wait for a professional roofer. Climbing onto a slippery, damaged roof can be extremely dangerous.

Assess the Damage

Once it's safe to do so, carefully assess the extent of the damage. Look for visible signs of damage like missing shingles, lifted or curled edges, or damaged flashing. Also, check for leaks inside your home, as they can provide clues to the source of the problem.

Temporarily Seal Leaks

If you discover a leak, your first priority should be to stop the water from coming into your home. Here's how to do it:

a. Inside the Attic: Place buckets or containers under the leaks to catch the water and prevent further damage to your home's interior.

b. Outside the Attic: If the damage is on the roof's surface, try to cover it temporarily. You can use a tarp, plywood, or plastic sheeting. Secure these materials in place with weights or sandbags, but avoid nailing or stapling them directly to the roof, as this can cause additional damage.

Remove Debris

If there are branches, leaves, or other debris on your roof, carefully remove them. This debris can block water flow, leading to ponding and potential leaks.

Temporary Repairs

For minor roof damage, you may be able to perform temporary repairs. This can include securing loose shingles or flashing with roofing cement or sealant. Keep in mind that these fixes are not permanent and should be followed up with professional repairs.

Document the Damage

Take photos or videos of the damaged areas, both inside and outside your home. This documentation can be useful when dealing with insurance claims or when hiring a professional roofer for repairs.

Contact a Professional Roofer

After the immediate emergency is under control, it's essential to contact a qualified roofing professional. They have the expertise and equipment to assess the damage thoroughly and provide lasting solutions. Don't delay in getting professional help, as delaying repairs can lead to more extensive and costly damage.

Insurance Claim

If you have homeowners' insurance, contact your insurance provider to report the damage. Provide them with the documentation you collected, as it will help with your claim.


Emergency roof repair is a crucial skill for homeowners, especially in regions prone to severe weather. While some minor repairs can be done temporarily, always remember that the safest and most effective way to address roof damage is by seeking professional help. Regular roof maintenance and inspections can also prevent emergencies by catching potential issues before they escalate. By taking swift and appropriate action during a roofing emergency, you can protect your home and avoid costly repairs down the road.

If you have recently experienced roof damage due to stormy winds, severe snow, or hail, it is the right time to repair your roof. Delaying your roof repair will only make the damage worse. If you live in  La Crosse, WI, contact Kickapoo Roofing, a renowned and professional roofing contractor in the area. 

We are experienced roofers who strive to make the roof repair process as smooth and seamless as possible. From filing an insurance claim and scheduling a meeting with an adjuster to repairing and finishing your roof, we are with you every step of the way. Call us today at (608) 247-5337 and consult with a roofing professional.

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