15 May

Wisconsin is well-acquainted with severe weather patterns, and among them, hailstorms stand out as a frequent occurrence that can wreak havoc on homes and businesses alike. These unpredictable storms can strike at any time, leaving behind a trail of destruction that often demands costly and time-consuming repairs. As a responsible homeowner or business owner in Wisconsin, it's crucial to be prepared for the possibility of hail damage and take proactive measures to minimize its impact.

In this article, we aim to delve into the specific ways hail damage can affect your roof in Wisconsin, shedding light on the potential costs associated with repairing your property's roof. By the end of this post, we will also provide practical tips for preparing for and recovering from hail damage.


Hail damage occurs when hailstones forcefully collide with your roof. These icy projectiles can range in size from small pebbles to golf balls or even larger, inflicting varying degrees of damage on the roof's structure and materials.

If left unaddressed, hail damage can worsen over time, leading to further complications and escalating repair expenses. For instance, damaged shingles may begin to crack and break off, exposing the underlying layers and creating pathways for water to penetrate the roof.


The severity of hail damage is often proportional to the size of the hailstones. Thankfully, most hailstorms in Wisconsin produce hailstones ranging from ¼ of an inch to ¾ of an inch in diameter, which generally cause less severe damage. However, in the case of severe storms with hailstones the size of golf balls or larger, the resulting damage can be substantial and require costly repairs.

Average Repair Costs for Hail Damage

As previously mentioned, hail damage to your roof can manifest in various forms, and consequently, the repair costs can vary significantly. On average, homeowners can expect to spend around $4,000 to repair hail damage to their roof.

Minor damage to shingles or flashing can often be repaired by the homeowners themselves, incurring minimal costs ranging from $50 to $200. However, when hailstones are larger and cause extensive damage to the entire roof, it becomes necessary to enlist the services of professional roofers, which can lead to costs reaching up to $30,000 for repairs or even complete roof replacement.

The precise amount you will spend on roof repair hinges on several factors, including the roofing material used, the size of your roof, and the extent of the damage incurred.


After becoming acquainted with the potential costs involved in roof repairs, you may feel a sense of surprise. So, how can you prepare for such an unforeseen expense? The answer lies in creating a comprehensive budget.

Budgeting for hail damage roof repairs may initially seem overwhelming, but there are several practical steps you can take to ensure you remain financially prepared.

Assessing Repair Costs:

The first crucial step in budgeting for hail damage roof repairs is to assess the expected costs

Consider the following Tips:

Conduct a thorough inspection of the roof to identify all areas of damage. Obtain multiple quotes from reputable contractors to compare prices and services. Take into account the age, condition, and construction materials of your roof when estimating repair costs.

Once you have assessed the repair expenses, you can create a budget specifically for these repairs.

Review Your Insurance Policy:

Take the time to carefully review your homeowner's insurance policy to determine whether hail damage is covered. If it is, ascertain the extent of coverage, deductibles, and any applicable limits.

Set Aside Funds:

If insurance coverage does not apply to the repairs, it is crucial to set aside funds specifically for this purpose. Adjust your budget by reducing expenses in other areas, if necessary. Consider establishing an emergency fund to provide a safety net during unexpected circumstances.


Roof repairs can be costly and time-consuming, while roof replacement is an even more extensive process. To mitigate future hail damage and minimize the need for repairs, focus on preventive measures. 

Consider the following tips:

Opt for high-quality roofing materials such as metal or tile, which offer better resilience against hail compared to traditional asphalt shingles. If you have an asphalt shingle roof, choose shingles with high ratings for wind and impact resistance.

Be mindful of your surroundings. Trim overhanging branches and trees to reduce the risk of debris falling onto your roof during a storm.

Install storm shutters or impact-resistant glass on windows and skylights to minimize the chances of broken glass.

Keep your gutters and downspouts clear of debris to prevent water from pooling on the roof during storms. Regular gutter cleanings can significantly contribute to keeping your roof free from water damage.

Regular roof maintenance is vital in preventing hail damage. Consider the following tips for inspecting and caring for your roof:

Conduct routine inspections to identify any signs of damage or wear and tear. It is advisable to inspect your roof at least once a year, especially after severe weather events.

Promptly address any identified damage to prevent further deterioration.

Consider scheduling regular professional roof inspections to detect potential issues before they escalate into major problems.

By taking proactive steps to prevent hail damage and maintaining your roof regularly, you can reduce the risk of significant damage and ensure the longevity of your roof.

If you're facing the aftermath of a hailstorm and require professional assistance, turn to the trusted team at Kickapoo Roofing. With years of experience in the roofing industry, we specialize in emergency roofing services, including hail damage repairs in La Crosse and the surrounding areas of Wisconsin.

Our skilled team of professionals is well-versed in identifying and repairing hail damage. We prioritize timely and efficient repairs to minimize the impact on your property. Furthermore, we can guide you through the insurance claim process, ensuring a smoother experience for you.

For reliable hail damage roof repairs and exceptional customer service, contact Kickapoo Roofing today at (608) 247-5261. We're here to assist you in restoring the integrity and protection of your roof.

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